When Ms Kamala Harris took the stage on January 20 2021 to be sworn in as America’s first Black, South Asian Woman Vice President of the United States, the world took notice of Ms Harris’ wearing of an elegant pearl necklace, designed by Wilfredo Rosado. A design of a string of South Sea pearls held by large oval 18k gold links, accented with diamonds. The artist Mr Rosado explained how the design was meant to convey, “strength, combined with softness and a bit of glamour.”
The world’s only gemstone produced by a living creature, pearls convey confidence purity and empathy. Through the ages, pearls have been adopted by Queens, Emperors and more recently First Ladies in American History, including more recently, Michelle Obama, Barbara Bush and Jacqueline Kennedy, who once famously dubbed pearls as “always appropriate.”
For Ms Kamala Harris, pearls have great personal significance. As a college student at Howard University, Ms Harris was a member of a sorority whose founders were known as the ‘Twenty Pearls.’ Since then, Ms Harris has honored her sorority for the last 35 years by wearing pearls to every significant event in her professional life. From college graduation in 1986, in 2005 as California’s first female Attorney General, in 2020, when she accepted the Democratic Party’s Vice Presidential Nomination, and now in 2021, when taking the oath of office as America’s 1st Woman Vice President.
Pearls certainly appear to be becoming more popular with career women. Pearls convey a message of confidence and strength, with a belief and passion to shape our dreams into reality. Pearls, with their own naturally cultivated intrinsic glow, help bring out our inner beauty and make us feel confident.